Día de los Muertos
Let's learn, celebrate & appreciate together! This culture trunk is all about Día de los Muertos, one of the most spiritual and vibrant holidays in Mexican tradition. We have included a brief history and introduction to the holiday, as well as traditions, recipes, flashcards, and crafts!
Historical Background
By now you may have heard of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a two-day celebration that takes place between the night of October 31 and November 2. Since the holiday coincides with Halloween, many people think of Día de los Muertos as Mexico’s version of Halloween. Both celebrations include the imagery of skulls, but that is about where their similarities stop.

Types of Celebration
Despite the fact that Día de los Muertos is a spiritual celebration of death and life, it is far from dark and morbid! The Aztecs did not see death as a time of mourning as it was a natural part of the life cycle. Instead, death celebrations were a time of festivity and remembrance.