In Spring 2023 CLACS held two events of new Tertulia roundtable series, a new format in lieu of a Merienda lecture series. Our series Tertulia, fosters dialog between faculty, students, and community members on topics of interest to Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2018, the University of Kansas Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies has partnered with Lawrence Talks! to host community forums with in-person and digital access points. This semester, we continued the tradition with our Tardes de Tertulia, a dialog-oriented series.
Please see the Spring 2023 Tertulias details below.

On April 6, 2023 CLACS held a conversation on Insects, Biodiversity, and Conservation in Latin America. This panel brought together experts on insects, biodiversity, and conservation in Latin America. The conversation asked how insects can be indices of biological diversity and climate change in Latin America. The conversation was led by the following experts:
Jorge Soberón (KU Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) - His research explores large-scale spatial patterns in the biodiversity of terrestrial species.
Víctor González (KU Biology) - His research focuses on comparative morphology, behavioral ecology, plant-pollinator interactions, and ethnobiology of bees.
Carolina Orta Salazar (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí) - Her research examines butterflies as ecological bioindicators in Mexico.
Claudia Nuñez Pinechet (KU Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) - Her research focuses on ecology and conservation of butterflies, ecological niche modeling, biogeography, and biodiversity informatics.
Andres Felipe Herrera (KU Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) - His research focus on bee ecology, biogeography and biodiversity in the Neotropical dry forest.

On March 22, 2023 CLACS held a conversation on the themes, dilemmas, and impacts of contemporary Latin American films that represent women’s issues. What nuanced messages on abortion, sexuality, labor, migration, and identity do contemporary films offer? The conversation was led by the following experts:
Veronica Garibboto – Her work addresses reproductive justice, especially discourses and policies in favor of abortion in Latin America through documentary films.
Seungjoo Lee – Her work focuses on films by Korean-Argentinian director, Cecilia Kang. She will present on two films: one on sexual slavery (comfort women) during World War II, and the other on Korean migrants in Buenos Aires.
Cesia Espinal— Is an M.A. student in Spanish and Portuguese. Her research addresses the underrepresentation of Honduran female writers in middle school textbooks, as well as sexual and reproductive rights in Honduras. She will help us facilitate the conversation.