Marta Caminero-Santangelo (English), “Imagining a Latino Heartland: Migrant Placemaking, Corridos of the Midwest, and Tomás Rivera,” Melus: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States, Summer 2023, Media link
Marta Caminero-Santangelo (English), (2024). Crossing Waters: Undocumented Migration in Hispanophone Caribbean and Latinx Literature and Art, by Marisel C. Moreno. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 98(1-2), 191-192. Media link
Robert Schwaller (History), (2024). Portrayals of the Haitian Revolution - Slave Revolt on Screen: The Haitian Revolution in Film and Video Games. By Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2021. Paper 323pp. Paper $30.00. The Americas, 81(1), 182–184. Media link
Dana Velasco Murillo and Robert C. Schwaller, editors. Overlooked Places and Peoples: Indigenous and African Confrontations and Collaborations in the Spanish Empire Routledge, 2024.
Schwaller, Robert C. "The Spanish Conquest of Panama and the Creation of Maroon Landscapes, 1513-1590," in Overlooked Places and Peoples, Dana Velasco Murillo and Robert Schwaller, editors. Routledge, 2024.
J. Christopher Brown (Geography | Environmental Studies), The impact of agricultural colonization and deforestation on orchid bees (Apidae: Euglossini) in the Brazilian Amazon, Biological Conservation, 2024, 110560, Media link
Saulo de Oliveira Folharini, Silas Nogueira de Melo, Rafael Guimarães Ramos, J. Christopher Brown, Land use and green crime: Assessing the edge effect, Land Use Policy, Volume 129, 2023, 106636, ISSN 0264-8377, (
J. Christopher Brown, José de Jesus Corrêa-Neto, Cristiano Feitosa Ribeiro, Marcio Luiz Oliveira, The impact of agricultural colonization and deforestation on orchid bees (Apidae: Euglossini) in the Brazilian Amazon, Biological Conservation, Volume 293, 2024, 110560, ISSN 0006-3207,
Corrêa-Neto, J.J., Hipólito, J., Ribeiro, C.F. Brown, J. C., Oliveira, M.L. Estuarine floodplains harbor greater diversity of orchid bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) than mangroves in coastal Amazonia. Apidologie 55, 37 (2024).
Victor Gonzalez Betancourt (Biology), (2024). AG-920 (Articaine) Ophthalmic Solution: A Masked, Active-Controlled Evaluation of Its Local Anesthetic Efficacy and Safety in Pediatric Patients. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Media link
Víctor H. Gonzalez (Biology), (2024). Looking for a signal: how well do specialist and generalist bees track preferred host plants over time?. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. Media link
Ninel Valderrama Negrón (Spanish & Portuguese), (2023). The Impact of the 1833 Cholera Epidemic on Havana’s Vulnerable Populations and Urban Landscape. Periphērica: Journal of Social, Cultural, and Literary History, 2(2), 249–286. Media link
Sofia Vera (2024). Money and Time in the Access to Public Services: How do Citizens Evaluate Different Forms of Bureaucratic Corruption?. Forthcoming at Comparative Politics. With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras. 8/1/2024.
Sofia Vera (2024). Gender Stereotypes and Petty Corruption among Street-level Bureaucrats: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment. Research & Politics, 11(3), 20531680241277405. With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras. 7/1/2024.
Sofia Vera (2023). Who Does the Caring? Gender Disparities in COVID-19 Attitudes and Behaviors. Politics & Gender, no.1 (2023) 5-33. With Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras. 1/1/2023. DOI:10.1017/S1743923X21000386
Bagheri Sarvestani, D., & Duden, G. S. (2025). Indigeneity in Context—Evolving Maya Ch’orti’ Notions of Cultural Identity: A Qualitative Study From 1993 to 2019. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 56(1), 40-60. DOI: 10.1177/00220221241295752
Adams, M. M., & Sarvestani, D. B. (2024). Indigenous Peoples' Rights Discourse: Toward Hemispheric Indigenous Climate and Environmental Justice. Environmental Justice. DOI: 10.1089/env.2023.0076
Duden, G. S., & Bagheri Sarvestani, D. (2023). Respectful Research: Working with Indigenous Peoples in Psychological, Anthropological and Cross-Cultural Sciences. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 3(1), 8. DOI: 10.9707/2307 0919.1186
Gabriel de Arruda Castro and Gary M. Reich, "Anti-Science Populism Versus Brazil's Covid-19 Vaccination Program: A Tale of Two Pandemic Stories" Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2024, 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/1866802x241282693
Tummons, E. (2023). Sharing the teaching of Kaqchikel Maya across universities. In E. Heidrich Uebel, A. Kraemer, L. Giupponi (Eds.), Sharing less commonly taught languages in higher education: Collaboration and innovation (pp. 136-147). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003349631-14
Lies, T.S., Omar, S.M., & Adams, G. (in press). Decolonial considerations of environmentalism. In B. Barnes et al. (Editors), Community Psychologies for Climate Justice. University of Johannesburg Press.
Lies, T. S., Omar, S. M., & Adams, G. (2024). Does environmental psychology afford an “effective context” for the study of structural racism? Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Lies, T. S., Omar, S. M., Roennengart, A., Adams, G., & Santangelo, B. (2024). Attributing Extreme Weather to Climate Change: State Park Employees as Institutional Actors. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 1–23.
Adams, G., & Omar, S. M. (2024). Confronting racism-evasive ignorance in standard pedagogy of hegemonic social psychology. Journal of Social Issues, 1-22.
Adams, G., Kemmelmeier, M., Conway, L.C., & Chentsova Dutton, Y. E. (2023). Editorial: The cultural psychology of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, |
Hakim, N., Abi-Ghannam, G., Saab, R., Albzour, M., Zebian, Y., & Adams, G. (2023). Turning the lens in the study of precarity: On experimental social psychology's acquiescence to the settler-colonial status quo in historic Palestine. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(Suppl. 1), 211–38.
Mosley, A.J., Biernat, M., & Adams, G. (2023). Sociocultural engagement in a colorblind racism framework moderates perceptions of cultural appropriation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, (108), 104487.
Readsura Decolonial Editorial Collective (in random order: Adams, G., Ratele, K., Suffla, S. & Reddy, G.) & Malherbe, N. (2023). Toward a decolonial Africa-centering ecological and social psychology. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 5, 100156.
Zhao, X., Adams, G., Li, D., & Esiaka, D. (2023). Reverence and Reciprocity in Prioritization of Care to a Parent: The Role of Cultural Ecologies and Implications for Decolonizing Relationality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0(0).
Michael Krueger. Solo Exhibition: Island Undone, Planthouse Gallery, New York, NY.
Michael Krueger. Group Exhibition(s): Fine Art Print Fair, International Fine Print Dealers Association, Park Avenue Armory, New York, NY (represented by Planthouse Gallery, New York, NY). The Lawrence Lithography Workshop: Highlights from the Archive, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO.
ROMANETTO, Matheus. 2024. "To fill the hearts of men with a new spirit: politics in Erich Fromm's thought and action". Critique and affirmation in Erich Fromm: humanistic politics and the psychoanalytic clinic. London: Routledge.
Morales-Méndez, I. C., Orton, M. M., Haddock, J. B. ., Siles-Cervantes, L., Valenzuela-Molina, M. Y., Eifler, M. A., Ruiz Gómez, M. de L., & Eifler, D. A. (2024). EVALUACIÓN DE COMPORTAMIENTO REVELA AGREGACIONES SOCIALES EN Petrosaurus thalassinus. Revista Latinoamericana De Herpetología, 7(1), e812 (19 – 32).
Fawcett, S., Holt, C., Solar-Hormazabal, O., Eijkemans, G., Partridge, D., Jordan, S., Bryan, C., Zhu, A., Williams, A. K., Hassaballa-Muhammad, R., Hill, E. (2023). Equity lens protocol: Reflecting on harms from the COVID-19 response and mitigation strategies implemented in a local public health system. Health Promotion Practice, 25(4), 526-530.
Orozco Ramos, A. (2024, April 26). Las microfinanzas: entre la justicia social y la esclavitud financiera. Acceso.