Faculty Research Travel Grants Prove a Good Investment in Garibotto’s Psychoanalysis Project 

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In the past two years, Verónica Garibotto received two faculty travel awards from CLACS to advance her research on psychoanalysis, intersectionality, and reproductive justice in Latin America.

Based on this research, she has published the co-edited volume, Psychoanalysis as Social and Political Discourse in Latin America and the Caribbean (Routledge, 2022, in collaboration with Paola Bohórquez), and the following articles:

  • “The Desiring Woman: Psychoanalytic Discourses of Abortion in Argentine Feminism.” (Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 2023);
  • “Desire Moves Us: Psychoanalysis and Reproductive Rights in Argentina.” (Counterspace. Special Number: Women’s Bodies, Reproductive Rights, and Self-Determination. Eds. Angie Voela and Lara Sheehi, 2023);
  • “Uneven Reproductive Landscapes: The Abortion Documentary in Latin America.” (Latin American Research Review, 2022);
  • “Paradoxical Ideologies: An Intersectional View of Argentine Psychoanalytic Discourses on Gender and Sexuality (2005-2012)” (Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 2021); 
  • “Argentine Psychoanalysis as Gentrifier: The Case of Palermo.” (Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 2020).

Some of these articles form the basis of a book manuscript that she is now finalizing Paradoxical Ideologies: An Intersectional View of Argentine Psychoanalytic Culture. 

After finalizing this manuscript, she plans to work on a new book comparing discourses of reproductive justice in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico - for which she received funding from CLACS to travel to Yucatán in 2022.