Gary Reich

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
1541 Lilac Ln
Lawrence, KS 66045
Selected Publications —
Reich, Gary M. “Hitting a Wall? The Trump Administration Meets Immigration Federalism.” Journal Articles. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, no. May 2018 (2018).
Reich, Gary M. “Immigrant Legislation, Across and Within the United States.” Journal Articles. Research and Politics 4 (2017).
Reich, Gary M. “Planting in Fertile Soil: The National Rifle Association and State Firearms Legilation.” Journal Articles. Social Science Quarterly, May 2017.
Reich, Gary M., and Pedro dos Santos. “The Rise (and Frequent Fall) of Evangelical Politicians: Organization, Theology, and Church Politics.” Journal Articles. Latin American Politics and Society, 2013.
Reich, Gary M., and Jay Barth. “Immigration Restriction in the States: Contesting the Boundaries of Federalism?” Journal Articles. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 42 (May 2012): 422–48.
Reich, Gary M., and Jay Barth. “Educating Citizens or Defying Federal Authority? A Comparative Study of In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students.” Journal Articles. Policy Studies Journal 38 (July 2010): 419–45.
Reich, Gary M., and Alvar Ayala Mendoza. “‘Educating Kids’ versus ‘Coddling Criminals’: Framing the Debate over In-State Tuition for Undocumented Students in Kansas.” Journal Articles. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 8 (2008): 177–97.
Reich, Gary M. “Constitutional Coordination in Unstable Party Systems: The Brazilian Constitution of 1988.” Journal Articles. Constitutional Political Economy 18 (August 2007): 177–97.
Reich, Gary M. “The Evolution of New Party Systems: Are Early Elections Exceptional.” Journal Articles. Electoral Studies 23 (2004): 235–50.
Reich, Gary M. “Executive Decree Authority in Brazil: How Reactive Legislators Influence Policy.” Journal Articles. Legislative Studies Quarterly 27 (February 2002): 5–32.
Reich, Gary M. “Categorizing Political Regimes: New Data for Old Problems.” Journal Articles. Democratization 9 (2002): 1–24.
Reich, Gary M. “Coordinating Party Choice in Founding Elections: Why Timing Matters.” Journal Articles. G 34 (November 2001): 1237–63.
Reich, Gary M., Al Cigler, Rick Uslaner, and Joel Paddock. “Changing the Electoral College: The Impact on Parties and Organized Interests.” Book Chapters. In Choosing A President: The Electoral College and Beyond, edited by Paul Schumaker and Burdett Loomis. New York: Chatham House, 2001.
Reich, Gary M. “Coordinating Fiscal Restraint: Democratization and Seignorage in Latin America.” Journal Articles. Political Research Quarterly 52 (November 1999): 729–51.
Reich, Gary M. “Review of Chile: The Great Transformation by Javier Martínez & Alvaro Díaz.” Reviews. Journal of Developing Areas, 1998.
Reich, Gary M. “The 1988 Constitution a Decade Later: Ugly Compromises Reconsidered.” Journal Articles. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 40 (1998): 5–24.
Awards & Honors —
Gene A. Budig Teaching Professorship in Social and Behavioral Sciences
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Kansas