Joane Nagel
  • Professor
  • University Distinguished Professor

Contact Info

Office Phone:
Fraser Hall, room #723


Joane Nagel is a political and cultural sociologist. Her work focuses on ethnicities, genders, and sexualities in the US and in the global system, American Indian activism, militarization of science, and global climate change. Her recent research includes "Unmasking the Racial & Gender Politics of the US Pandemic" (with David Cooper, Timothy Lee, Trevor Lies), Peace Review (2021), "Code Red: Addressing Menstrual Needs during Emergencies" (with Darcy Sullivan), Natural Hazards Disaster Research (2020), “Gender, Conflict, and the Militarization of Climate Change,” Peace Review (2015), "The Continuing Significance of Masculinity," Ethnic & Racial Studies (2017), “Plus Ça Change: Reflections on a Century of Militarizing Women's Sexuality,” European Journal of Women’s Studies (2014), Race, Ethnicity, & Sexuality: Intimate Intersections and Forbidden Frontiers (Oxford, 2003), and American Indian Ethnic Renewal (Oxford, 1996). Her latest book is Gender and Climate Change: Impacts, Science, Policy (Routledge 2016).

Selected Publications

Nagel, J. (2016). Gender and Climate Change: Impacts, Science, Policy. Routledge.