Michael Doudoroff

- Professor Emeritus
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Biography —
Michael J. Doudoroff, Professor Emeritus, received degrees from Stanford University (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.). He has taught at the University of Kansas since 1965. His major field of interest is contemporary Spanish American poetry; he also works in fiction and folklore. He has published articles, translations, and reviews in Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, Hispania,Hispanic American Report, Latin American Literary Review, Southern Folklore Quarterly, andTexto Crítico, Revista Chicano-Riqueña, Hispanic American Historical Review, and INTI in publications of the Colección Aldana (S M Editores, Caracas) and of Monte Avila (Caracas). In collaboration with Prof. A. P. Debicki, he has edited Rubén Darío, Azul y Prosas Profanas(Madrid: Alhambra, 1985). He has edited a new translation of Rómulo Gallegos, Canaima(Pittsburgh UP, 1996). He is an associate editor of Venezuelan Literature and Arts Journal, and humanities coordinator of the Venezuela Network, an international association of scholars in humanities and social sciences. His current research is concerned with 20th Century Spanish American poetry, especially in Venezuela.