Michael Orosco

- Associate Professor
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Biography —
Michael J. Orosco is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Kansas. He was a bilingual special education teacher in Colorado for five years before earning a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Interdisciplinary research includes developing a theoretical model of learning development for English Learners (ELs) that includes the sociocognitive mechanisms that moderate mathematical and reading performance. The research program includes designing interventions to facilitate sociocognitive processes related to mathematical and reading comprehension in ELs. Finally, his research program also includes enhancing the sustainability of sociocognitive mathematical and reading interventions through professional development. Professor Orosco has received funding from the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences, National Science Foundation, and Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services. Professor Orosco has published in several journals, including Exceptional Children, Exceptionality, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Special Education, Learning Disability Quarterly, Learning and Individual Differences, Reading & Writing Quarterly, Teacher Education and Special Education, and Theory into Practice. In 2014, Professor Orosco won the Samuel Kirk Award for outstanding article awarded at the Council for Exceptional Children (the premier research organization in Special Education), Effects of Cognitive Strategy Interventions and Cognitive Moderators on Word Problem Solving in Children at Risk for Problem Solving Difficulties. Also, in 2011, Professor Orosco won the Frank Pajares Award for Outstanding Theory into Practice article awarded at the American Educational Research Association (the predominant research organization in the broad field of education), A Sociocultural Examination of Response to Intervention with Latino English Language Learners). Professor Orosco serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Literacy Research, Learning Disability Quarterly, Multiple Voices, and Theory into Practice. He is also an associate editor for the Journal of Assessment for Effective Intervention.