Robert C. Casad

- John H. and John M. Kane Professor Emeritus of Law
Contact Info
Biography —
Robert Casad joined the faculty of the law school in 1959 and was named John H. and John M. Kane Professor of Law in 1981 in recognition of his internationally known scholarship in civil procedure, jurisdiction and conflict of laws. His work is often quoted and cited. He received the university's Balfour Jeffrey Research Achievement Award (Higuchi Prize) in 1984 and the law school's Rice Prize for Faculty Scholarship in 1977, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989 and 1991. In 2011, the Kansas Bar Association honored Casad with its Professionalism Award, recognizing an individual who best exemplifies, represents and encourages other lawyers to follow the highest standards of the legal profession. An active member of the American Law Institute and the International Association for Procedural Law, Casad has been a frequent participant in IAPL conferences in Europe. He has been a visiting scholar/lecturer at universities in Europe, Asia, and Central America and a visiting professor at UCLA, Illinois, Hastings, Vienna, Michigan and Emory. In 1997 he retired from classroom teaching but not from research and writing.
Education —
Research —
Civil procedure, especially comparative civil procedure
Selected Publications —
"Issue Preclusion in the Law of Spain: Cosa Juzgada Positiva, in Law and Justice in a Multi-State World: A tribute to Arthur von Mehren" (Nafziger and Symeonides, ed.) (2002) "Jurisdiction in Civil Actions," 3d ed. (with William Richman) (1998) "Jurisdiction and Forum Selection" 2d. ed. (1999); Kansas Code of Civil Procedure Annotated, 4th ed. (with the late Hon. Spencer Gard) (2003) Res Judicata (with Kevin Clermont) (2001) "Jurisdiction in Civil Actions at the End of the Twentieth Century: Forum Conveniens and Forum Non Conveniens," 7 Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 91 (1999) "Personal Jurisdiction in Federal Question Cases," 70 Texas Law Review 1589 (1992) "Long-Arm Jurisdiction in Admiralty Tort Cases," 4 Maritime Law Reporter, No. 2 (1993)