Robert Clemens Schwaller

Robert Schwaller
  • Associate Director & Graduate Director
  • Associate Professor

Contact Info

Wescoe Hall, room #3650

Selected Publications

Schwaller, Robert C. 2016. “Géneros de Gente in Early Colonial Mexico: Defining Racial Difference.” Other. University of Oklahoma Press.

Schwaller, Robert C, ed. 2012. “A Language of Empire, a Quotidian Tongue: The Uses of Nahuatl in Colonial New Spain.” Journal Articles. Ethnohistory 59 (4).

Grants & Other Funded Activity

Early Afro-Indigenous Frontiers in the Southern Caribbean. $5888.00. (7/1/2015 - 8/31/2015). The GRF provided funds that allowed me to conduct research at the Archivo General de la Nacion in Bogota Colombia. This research allowed me to access archival documents concerning Africans and Native Americans in early Spanish America. This outcomes of this research has already been presented at several conferences and is part of a larger project that will culminate in a historical monograph.. University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded

Franklin Research Grant, "Early Afro-Indigenous Frontiers in the Southern Caribbean (16th and 17th c.)". American Philosophical Society. $6000.00. (7/1/2014 - 8/31/2015). Not-for-Profit (not Foundation). Status: Funded

Craig Anthony Arnold Faculty Research Stipend. $1200.00. (7/1/2014 - 6/30/2015). University (KU or KUMC). Status: Funded