Vicky Unruh

- Professor, Spanish & Portuguese
Contact Info
Biography —
I am currently working on a co-edited volume of articles on the image of urban ruins in Latin American cultural production at the turn of the millennium.
Education —
Research —
Her research and teaching fields include modern Spanish American narrative and theatre, the literary vanguards in Latin America, and Hispanic Caribbean literature.
Selected Publications —
She is the author of Latin American Vanguards: The Art of Contentious Encounters (1994) and Performing Women and Modern Literary Culture in Latin America (2006), and her articles have appeared in critical collections in the U.S. and abroad and in Cuadernos Americanos, Discurso Literario, Hispania , Hispanic Review, Latin American Literary Review, Latin American Research Review, Latin American Theatre Review, Modern Drama, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Revista Iberoamericana, Romance Quarterly, and Siglo XX/Twentieth Century.